When You Slip And Fall: Proving Your Personal Injury Claim And The Cause Of Your Injuries


Slip and falls can happen just about anywhere. When you fall and get hurt because of the negligence of another party, you have the right to receive compensation for your losses. If stairs were poorly lit or one was damaged and you fell because of it, the owner of the property can be held liable for your injuries. When you aren't warned of a potentially dangerous situation and you are using a property as it is designed, another party may be at fault.

1 October 2019

Tips For Handling A Car Accident In Preparation For A Possible Injury Claim


For many people, personal injury lawsuits are one of those things that other people go through. They often think that it won't happen to them. As a result, they fail to properly prepare for the time when they need evidence and information to support a claim should they be involved in a car accident. Here are some things you should always consider if you are involved in a car accident, just in case you find yourself needing to file a personal injury claim.

26 July 2019

2 Ways That A Real Estate Attorney Can Help You


A real estate attorney is a fantastic resource that can help you avoid many potential pitfalls during the real estate buying process. Listed below are two ways that a real estate attorney can assist you.  Creating Or Modifying Purchasing Agreements One of the most useful things that a real estate attorney can do for you is modify or create a purchasing agreement so that you are protected in the event that the sale falls through or if other issues come up.

8 January 2016

Four Times When Your Teenager Needs A Criminal Attorney


Perhaps you suspect your teenage son or daughter is breaking the law, or maybe her or she has confided in you about engaging in criminal behavior. There might be other situations where your child is skirting the law, or appears to be. What do you do now? When is the right time to get a lawyer involved? Here are four times when finding and hiring a lawyer is definitely the right thing to do.

2 July 2015

How To Prevent Being Charged With Financial Elder Abuse


If you are watching over or taking care of an parent, it is important for your financial affairs to not become enmeshed to the point where you could be accused of financial elder abuse by relatives or others. This type of abuse can result in both civil and criminal liability. There are a number of areas where you can receive help and avoid problems. Assuring Self-Sufficiency For Yourself and Your Parent

20 May 2015

Preparing For Questions In Your Personal Injury Deposition


It is always a good idea to go into a deposition with an idea of what type of questions to expect from the opposing counsel, or you may end up floundering for an answer you were not prepared for and end up hurting your case as a result. Some of the questions thrown your way could include the following: Details regarding the accident and resulting injury: What were you doing when the accident happened?

9 December 2014

Radon Health Issues Linked To The Job? Hire A Lawyer And Detect Your Options


If you have worked in a building that has high levels of radon for a long period of time without your knowledge, and you're now experiencing lung cancer or other medical issues because of it, call a lawyer. Lung cancer is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, and your employer had the responsibility to tell you that you were at risk, and to provide a safe work environment.

5 December 2014

3 Things To Know About Filing A Lawsuit Against An Amusement Park


Visiting an amusement park is a fun-filled way to spend the day, unless an accident occurs. There is a number of injuries and even deaths that occur at these parks annually. If you have endured a tragic incident rather than a joyful one when at an amusement park, you may want to take legal action. Knowing facts about types of accidents that occur in amusement parks may help you when faced with this situation.

5 December 2014