Domestic Violence: Obtaining Protection Orders Against Your Abuser

Law Blog

Being a victim of domestic violence can leave you overwhelmed with fear and anger. In many cases, victims suffer mental or physical trauma, and are often at a loss of how to stop the abuse they face from their loved one.

Here is a look at the protection order options available to you as a survivor of domestic violence, and how they can help shield you from further abuse.

Protection orders

Victims of domestic violence in most states are offered an emergency protection order (EPO) by the police, protecting them in the immediate aftermath of the abuse. This order often requires that the abuser leave the home temporarily before the matter can be solved, and usually lasts for a week or so.

After the EPO lapses, the victim can then seek a longer-term protection order that typically lasts for a few years and that can be renewed if the abuse persists. The order is available in almost all states, and can be obtained by filing the required legal papers with your local court. It helps to hire a domestic violence attorney to help with your case, as you will usually be required to present evidence of abuse at your hearing and could need a representative in court.

A long term protection order may cover the children, family members or current romantic partner of the abused, and may include numerous provisions including prohibiting the abuser from attacking, contacting, stalking or disturbing the victim.

The protection order may also require that the abuser keep a certain distance from the victim's job, home, school or car and require that the abuser move out of the home they share with the abused. In some cases, the protection order may also require that the abuser attend batterer's intervention or anger management classes.

Violation and enforcement of protection orders

In most states, the law considers any violations of a protection order as a misdemeanor or contempt of court, which can lead to the immediate arrest of the abuser. The order is usually enforceable even in other U.S. states and territories away from where it was issued, ensuring the victim is well protected.

Repeat or serious violations of a protection order will usually attract felony charges, which can land the abuser in serious trouble with the law.

If you have been a victim of domestic violence, you should consult a domestic violence attorney to help you with advice on how to stay safe and seek civil and criminal protection. For more information, visit sites like


9 September 2015

Knowing Your Legal Rights Can Help You Greatly in Life

Like many people, I once found learning about law very intimidating. My brother went to law school and I remember glancing through a few of his books and wondering if I was actually reading English due to all of the legal jargon in them! However, when I ended up in a sticky legal situation due to accidentally breaking a small law I didn't know existed, I realized that I needed to learn more about the law, so I could make sure to follow it precisely in the future. My brother helped to break down some complicated legal concepts to me, and I have since been studying up online. I want to post what I have learned and continue to learn about law in the future on my new blog, so my knowledge cannot only help myself, but also help others!